This is a bit of old news, but I do have a habit of blogging about things a few days too late.
The Glastowatch forums are now online. I have pretty high hopes for them as I know the guy that runs it is a bit of a hardcore Glastonbury obsessive (like moi), and generally a sound bloke.
If you’re looking for information about the festival or just want to chat with other people who’re also going, check it out.
Couldn’t have put it better myself. Off to Glasto this year? Sign up and get posting!
Also the Twitterbury list has been reset for the 2010 festival. If you fancy meeting up with potentially hundreds of other twitterers at the festival, tweet @glastowatch #twitterbury and you’ll be added to the list. Last years meet-up was on Thursday at the Jazz World – I managed to miss it through general drunken behaviour but I plan to stay sober enough this year to remember.
when is the next lot of tickets going on sale again